A collective investigation into the life of Brierley Hill Library

Radio Public Library comes out of our long term interest in and commitment to the local and in particular Brierley Hill, which began in 2019 with our Curiosity Club project and continued with our work at Hawbush Community Gardens in 2021.
Facilitated by social artists Helen Garbett and Bill Laybourne and architect Juliet Sakyi-Ansah, Radio Public Library brings together local artists and residents to explore the significance of the public library in the life and heritage of Brierley Hill.
Starting in May 2023, we will run a series of accessible and inclusive workshops and events aimed at illuminating, through a range of creative methods, people's memories and relationship with the library over time, the fabric of the library, it's history, present use and possible futures.
We will co-create an exhibition in the library to showcase our work together, along with a radio programme to be broadcast to a national audience on Resonance FM.

We invite artists and creative practitioners of all disciplines and demographics to join us in co-creating this project with local people. It will provide an opportunity to:
Participate in a series of twelve, free weekly workshops
Develop social practice skills through peer learning
Create a range of small-scale social art projects with local people
Showcase our work at an end of project exhibition in the library
Contribute to the Radio Public Library broadcast on Resonance FM
Conversation, dialogue and sharing stories will be central to our approach together with a range of creative methods based on the participating artists interests.
Artists who participated in Radio Public - Dudley High Street in 2022 said:
"Radio Public was a really big learning experience. I have always had a solitary practice, so to work with other local artists, learning from Bill and Helen, and meeting others, pushed me out of that box." Dan
"I previously felt there was a gap between solitary practice and talking to people and coming up with ideas, it was so different to what I had done before. I was inspired by others thoughts and how people interact." Rachel
Local people who came the Radio Public - Dudley High Street exhibition said:
"Love the connection with Dudley High Street, opportunities to have a go, chance to print and share and appreciate the artists work."
"Still lovin' the exhibition... feelings of emotion... realisation... textures... colours, the importance of the radio!"
"Enjoyed the sounds and being in the space. Wonderful to sketch in public and make prints."